Camille Gharbi est une photographe et artiste visuelle française. Sa pratique artistique porte sur des problématiques sociales contemporaines suivies au long cours, dont les violences de genre, la justice sociale, le vivre ensemble. Son travail se construit sur un équilibre entre deux échelles : les histoires singulières et spécifiques sont articulées à l’histoire globale et collective, afin de faire émerger la construction du fait social. Entre photographie documentaire et plasticienne, sa démarche interroge l’état du monde en jouant sur la distance et l’esthétique afin de convoquer l’empathie et le sensible. Considérant l’art comme un vecteur de transformation sociale, son travail emmène vers une politisation du regard, par l’intime et le subjectif.
En parallèle de sa démarche personnelle, elle travaille en commande de photographie d’architecture, de presse, et de portrait.
Son travail a été présenté lors d’expositions et de festivals de photographie nationaux et internationaux tels que le festival FOTORIO, à Rio de Janeiro (2023), la BIENNALE PHOTOCLIMAT à Paris (2023), le FESTIVAL CIRCULATION(S) à Paris (2019), la Nuit des Images au PHOTOELYSEE à Lausanne (2019), la Nuit de l’Année aux RENCONTRES PHOTOGRAPHIQUES D'ARLES(2019).
Camille Gharbi est l'une des huit finalistes du PRIX ELYSEE 2025. Elle est lauréate du prix Portrait of Humanity 2024 porté par le British Journal of Photography, du FIDAL YOUTH PHOTOGRAPHY AWARD 2018 et du BBA GALLERY PHOTOGRAPHY AWARD 2021 pour sa série « Preuves d’amour », finaliste du LENS CULTURE EMERGING TALENT AWARD 2018 pour sa série « Lieux de vie », et lauréate du MENTORAT DES FILLES DE LA PHOTO 2020 avec son travail «Les monstres n’existent pas». L’enquête du journal Le Monde, «Féminicides : mécanique d’un crime annoncé», sur laquelle elle a assuré l’ensemble du travail photographique, est lauréate du VISA D’OR de l’Information Numérique au festival Visa pour l’Image 2020. Elle fait partie des lauré de la GRANDE COMMANDE PHOTOGRAPHIQUE, portée par la Bibliothèque Nationale de France et le Ministère de la Culture, en 2022. Ses oeuvres sont présentes dans la collection de la BNF, la collection de la Fondation Fidal, la collection du musée de l'Université de Poitiers, ainsi que dans des collections privées.
Camille Gharbi is a French photographer and visual artist.
Her artistic practice is related to contemporary social topics such as gender-based violence, social justice, migration issues. She places engagement at the core of her practice, developing sustained collaboration with her subjects. Gharbi's photographic approach is based on long term researches, a physical and psychological immersion into what she is studying. Halfway between documentary and conceptual photography, her works seek to question the world we live in by playing with distance and aesthetics to induce empathy. She considers art as a vehicle for social transformation. Her series take us towards a politicisation of the gaze, through the intimate and the subjective.
Beside her artistic practice she works on commission in the fields of architecture, photojournalism and portrait photography.
Gharbi's series have been selected to be part of European and international exhibitions, such as FOTORIO in Rio de Janeiro (2023), PHOTOCLIMAT BIENNAL in Paris (2023), FESTIVAL CIRCULATION(S) in Paris (2019), Nuit des Images at PHOTOELYSEE in Lausanne (2019), Nuit de l’Année aux RENCONTRES PHOTOGRAPHIQUES D'ARLES (2019).
She is one the eight finalists of the PRIX ELYSEE 2025. She is also a winner of the PORTRAIT OF HUMANITY 2024 award run by hte British Journal of Photography, the BBA Gallery Photography Award 2021, the FIDAL YOUTH PHOTOGRAPHY AWARD 2018 for her series «Acts of love», of the MENTORAT DES FILLES DE LA PHOTO program in 2020. The investigation carried out by the newspaper Le Monde entitled «Femicides : mechanics of an announced crime», on which she ensured the photographic aspect, is the winner of VISA d’OR for Digital Information at festival VISA POUR L’IMAGE 2020. She is one of the winners of the GRANDE COMMANDE PHOTO commissioned by the French National Library and the French Culture Ministry to support photography in France. Some of her works are part of private and public collections such as the Bibliothèque Nationale de France and the Fidal Fondation Collection.
2024 PRIX ELYSEE 2025 (finalist) / "Intimes convictions" / Switzerland
2024 PORTRAIT OF HUMANITY vol. 6 (series winner) / "Matres Mundi" / UK
2023 INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY AWARD (honorable mention) / "Faire Face" / USA
2022 GRANDE COMMANDE PHOTOGRAPHIQUE / Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Ministère de la Culture / France
2021 BBA GALLERY PHOTOGRAPHY PRIZE (2nd prize) / "Acts of love" / Germany
2020 MENTORAT DES FILLES DE LA PHOTO #01 / "There's no such thing as monsters" / France
2020 VISA D’OR POUR l’INFORMATION NUMERIQUE / VISA POUR L’IMAGE / with Le Monde's journalists team / France
2019 BOURSE BROUILLON D’UN REVE / "There's no such thing as monsters" / La SCAM / France
2018 FIDAL YOUTH PHOTOGRAPHY AWARD / "Acts of love" / France
2018 LENS CULTURE EMERGING TALENT AWARD (finalist) / "A place to live" / USA
EXHIBITIONS (selection)
2023 PHOTOCLIMAT / "Matres Mundi" / curation Floriane de Lassée and Nicolas Henry / Grigny, France
2020 FESTIVAL CIRCULATION(S) / "Acts of love" / curation Marie Guillemin / Ile de la Réunion, France
2016 MAISON DES PHOTOGRAPHES / "The waiting room" / curation UPP / Paris, France
2023 FOTORIO / "Facing Up. Stories of domestic violence" / curation Ioana Mello / Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
2023 PHOTOCLIMAT / "Matres Mundi" / curation Floriane de Lassée and Nicolas Henry / Paris, France
2023 URBI & ORBI / "The remaining ones" / curation La Salle d'Attente / Sedan, France
2022 LES MESNOGRAPHIES / "Acts of love" / curation Claire Pathé / Les Mesnuls, France
2022 FESTIVAL MANIFESTO / "There's no such thing as monsters" / curation Jeff Daviaud / Toulouse, France
2022 IMAGESINGULIERES / "Facing Up. Stories of domestic violence" / curation Gilles Favier / Sète, France
2022 GARE DE LYON / "Facing Up. Stories of domestic violence" / curation Sylvain Bailly / Paris, France
2021 BBA PHOTOGRAPHY PRIZE EXHIBITION / "Acts of love" / curation Renata Kudlacek / Berlin, Allemagne
2021 PHOTO SAINT-GERMAIN / "There's no such thing as monsters" / curation Caroline Stein, Raphaële Bertho / Paris, France
2021 LA NOUVELLE PHOTOGRAPHIE / "Acts of love" / curation Claudio Isgro / Port-la-Nouvelle, France.
2020 PEP NEW TALENT EXHIBITION / "A place to live" / curation Bénédicte Blondeau / Berlin, Allemagne
2019 GALERIE DANIEL BESSEICHE / "Acts of love" / curation Claudia Conolly / Paris, France
2019 PHOTO FESTIVAL EN BAIE DE SAINT-BRIEUC / "Acts of love" / curation Ferit Duzyol / Saint-Brieuc, France
2019 FESTIVAL MANIFESTO / "Acts of love" / curation Jeff Daviaud / Toulouse, France
2019 ARCHIFOTO / "A place to live" / curation Catherine Merckling / Strasbourg, France
2019 NUIT DE L’ANNEE, Rencontres d’Arles / "Acts of love" / curation Aurélien Valette / Arles, France
2019 NUIT DES IMAGES, Musée de l’Elysée / "Acts of love" / curation Lydia Dorner / Lausanne, Suisse
2019 FESTIVAL CIRCULATION(S) / "Acts of love" / curation Fetart, Audrey Hoareau, François Cheval / Paris, France
2019 HOTEL FONTFREYDE / "Acts of love" / curation Fetart et François-Nicolas L’Hardy / Clermont-Ferrand, France
2019 FESTIVAL PHOTOGRAPHIE MON AMOUR / "Acts of love" / curation Raoul Gilibert / Metz, France
2019 ARTE LAGUNA PRIZE / "A place to live" / curation / Venise, Italie
2018 LENS CULTURE EMERGING TALENT AWARD EXHIBITION / "A place to live" / curation Alyssa Fujita Karoui / New York, USA
2018 PHOTO IS:RAEL / "Acts of love" / curation Maya Anner / Tel Aviv, Israël
2018 FESTIVAL 9PH, NUIT DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE / "Acts of love" / Lyon, France
2018 PH♀TOGRAPHES / "A place to live" / curation La Salle d’Attente, Alain Collard, Marie-Noëlle Dumay / Reims, France
2018 FESTIVAL LES BOUTOGRAPHIES / "A place to live" / curation Arnaud Laroche, Christian Maccotta / Montpellier, France
2018 GALERIE L’ABERRANTE / "Acts of love" / curation Valérie Vernhet / Montpellier, France
2016 GALERIE IMMIX / "The waiting room" + "Of Pieces" / curation Carlo Werner and Bruno Dubreuil / Paris, France
2015 GALERIE IMMIX / "The crossing / curation Carlo Werner and Bruno Dubreuil / Paris, France
2023 ELLESxPARISPHOTO / Directed by Paris Photo / TEXTUEL Publishing
2023 CE(UX) QUI RESTE(NT) - The remaining ones / Monography / PROCESS Publishing
2023 MASCULINITES / E/P/A Publishing
2022 FAIRE FACE. HISTOIRES DE VIOLENCES CONJUGALES - Facing up. Stories of domestic violence / Monography / The Eyes Publishing
2022 FEMINICIDES. UNE HISTOIRE MONDIALE / Directed by Christelle Taraud / La Découverte Publishing
2021 LES FICTIONS DOCUMENTAIRES EN PHOTOGRAPHIE / Directed by Christian Gattinoni and Yannick Vigouroux / La Scala Publishing
2020 LA CHAMBRE. 10 ANS DE PHOTOGRAPHIE / Directed by Catherine Merckling / Published by La Chambre
2019 PHOTOGRAPHIER L'ARCHITECTURE / Directed by Karine Guilbert / Pyramyd Publishing
PUBLICATIONS (selection)
Press / portfolios
2023 LE TEMPS / «There’s no such thing as monsters»
2023 MARIE CLAIRE ITALY / «Acts of love»
2023 LA DEFERLANTE / «Becoming men»
2023 LE DAUPHINE / Portrait
2022 LA CROIX / Paris Photo : 6 photographers to follow
2022 LIBERATION / «A room of one’s own»
2019 M LE MAGAZINE DU MONDE / «Acts of love»
2019 LIBERATION / «Acts of love»
2019 LE TEMPS / «Acts of love»
2019 FISHEYE MAGAZINE / «Acts of love»
2019 GRAZIA / «Acts of love»
2018 ARTPRESS / «A place to live»
Press / collaborations
Le Monde, M, Télérama, L'Obs, Le Moniteur, D'A, AMC, EXE...
Arte, ARD, TV5 Monde, BFM TV, Antenne Réunion
LECTURES (selection)
2023 MUSEE NICEPHORE NIEPCE / «Facing Up. Stories of domestic violence» / Châlon-sur-Saône, France
2023 FESTIVAL LA NOUVELLE PHOTOGRAPHIE / «Art as an act of resistance» / Port-la-Nouvelle, France
2023 MESSAGE PERSONNEL / «Speaking intimacy» / Montreuil, France
2023 UNIVERSITE DE TOURS / «Facing Up : of art in raising awareness of gender-based violence» / Tours, France
2023 LYCEE GABRIEL FAURE / ‘An artist at school’ program / Annecy, France
2023 THE EYES TALK / «Art = Action» / Paris, France
2023 MAISON CENTRALE DE SAINT-MARTIN-DE-RE / «Facing Up. Stories of domestic violence», exhibition - lecture in jail / Saint-Martin-de-Ré, France
2023 CENTRE PENITENTIAIRE DE BEZIERS / «Facing Up. Stories of domestic violence», exhibition - lecture in jail / Béziers, France
2023 COLLEGE GABRIEL PERI / «Acts of love : of art in raising awareness of gender-based violence» / Aubervilliers, France
2022 PARIS PHOTO / «Facing Up. Stories of domestic violence» / Paris, France
2022 MUSEE JEAN MONNET / «Facing Up : of art in raising awareness of gender-based violence» / Bazoches-sur-Guyonne, France
2022 RENCONTRES D’ARLES / The photobook as a manifesto : «Facing Up. Stories of domestic violence» / Arles, France
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